Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Completed work-And there you are.  A lovely "stained glass" toucan picture to enjoy. Objectives-TLW use simple drawing techniques.  TLW use a mixed media to create a stained glass effect. TLW use watercolor paints to add color and texture to their work.  This lesson can also be tied into science by discussing animals of the rainforest and their habitats.  Could be used for 2nd/3rd/4th grade.

STEP 3: After your "lead" glue has dried, use water color paints to add color.

STEP TWO-Using the bottle of "black" Elmers glue, carefully trace over your pencil lines.  This will need to dry for about an hour, so this is a two session project.  My classes are only 30 minutes long, but most kids were able to finish both steps.  The most difficult part was finding a safe drying place for everyone.

Stained Glass Toucans

Materials needed: 9x12 watercolor paper, pencil, watercolor paint &brush, Elmers glue with black acrylic paint added to make the "lead effect"
STEP ONE: Draw a picture taking care to not add too many details.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The sixth graders worked for several weeks to complete their rainbow mosaics.  Each one was very unique and it felt good to use up some of our scraps from the year.

Using recycled cardboard tubes, the students did circle paintings that we used to decorate for our annual spring show.

Some of the things that my kids made this year

     We read a great book about two famous artists and the kids drew some of their favorite illustrations from the story. 

     After watching a tutorial, each student created their own rendition of toucans in the rain forest.