Saturday, January 19, 2013

An Old Dog Trying New Tricks

Well, here I am trying something new even though I'm twenty-two years into my career as an elementary teacher.

Our beloved elementary art teacher moved to a new position this year which left the art teacher position open at two buildings in my county.  I have really enjoyed being a reading teacher, but I love to paint, draw, create, and doodle.  I have always incorporated art into my lessons, so I jumped at the chance to widen my horizons and use art all of the time, each and every day.  

So this summer my family helped me sort, discard, and organize through not one, but TWO classrooms.  We spent over 120 hours getting everything ready.  My daughters helped paint one of my rooms and my oldest daughter added a cool dragon mural in the corner of my medieval classroom. We cleaned, sorted, and doodled our hearts away-well, maybe a little overboard for them, but it was great for me! My son even helped with his muscle power and used a little elbow grease in a couple of areas. Thanks kiddos!

I thought it would be fun to show you what my new rooms look like. It was kind of overwhelming to get two rooms ready, but I love my new job and am thrilled about spending time with over 1,100 kids each week. Whew-that's a lot of kids!!!


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