Saturday, January 19, 2013

The dungeon door

 This is another door that we painted to look like a dungeon.  It goes into my friend's office/room.  Our room was actually a very large space that was eventually divided into three rooms. I'm in the middle and get to regulate the lights and heat/air. Yikes-sometimes we are on way different levels of hotness/coolness! One of us is expecting ( not me) and several of us are in the latter stages of womanhood-lol! Notice the dungeon key which was actually created by my son as a prop for another of our theater productions. I have since had to remove some of my dried naturals and candles due to the fact that they were severely frowned upon by the fire marshall. Bummer!
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  1. I guess there’s gonna be an interesting adventure in that dungeon! Haha! The door looks very nice and I bet you guys are enjoying the door’s adventurous look. Anyway, I hope that the key to the dungeon will be kept properly so that no stranger can grab the key and invade the place. LOL! Nice post! :)

    -^ Sharron Folkes ^-

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. It seems hard to believe that my first year is already over. I think most of my students had a really great time creating art in our castle room.
